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From business sales to strategy, we help our clients grow with a personalised approach and outcome-driven attitude.

Case Study: Point Advisory

How exploring liquidity events prompted the divestment of a leading sustainability & ESG consultancy


Point Advisory appointed Nash Advisory in September 2021 to explore their options in relation to a transaction.

With offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra, Point Advisory has become one of Australia’s leading multi discipline sustainability services firms.

Point Advisory was successfully sold to ERM, a London based sustainability consultancy in April 2022, subject to customary regulatory approvals.


Professional Services

Key outcomes

  • Point Advisory was successfully sold to ERM, the world’s largest pure play sustainability consultancy
  • Attracted multiple offers enhancing deal outcomes
  • Meticulously negotiated key deal terms early to minimise risk

The situation

Point Advisory is a vertically integrated business delivering products and services across several sustainability, carbon and ESG markets. Within Point Advisory there are two key service lines:

  • Advisory services – provides specialised ESG & sustainability advisory services, including net zero strategy & implementation, climate risk assessments, modern slavery action plans and carbon audits.
  • Brokerage services – procures carbon credits on behalf of large corporate and government clients seeking to offset their carbon emissions.

To capitalise on prominent environmental, social and political tailwinds, Nash Advisory was engaged to explore investment options available to the business. Discussions were held with a range of investors across Private Equity, Family Offices and direct trade. Based on feedback from these conversations, the Founders decided a 100% sale would best achieve their short, medium and long-term goals.

How we got results


Found the right buyer

Nash Advisory conducted a targeted process, contacting only the most relevant buyers who would provide a platform for the business and its staff to grow. Amongst other things, indicative offers were assessed against this criteria, with ERM chosen as the preferred bidder.


Addressed contentious issues upfront and early

A substantial amount of work was performed to structure a deal that provided maximum value to Shareholders. Negotiating key aspects of the deal before beginning exclusive due diligence ensured any potential issues were dealt with upfront and early. This allowed for a smooth due diligence process and mitigated deal risk.


Successfully planned for the divestment of Brokerage Services

As part of this transaction, the Brokerage service line needed to be divested into a new entity and split out as a separate business. Nash Advisory, in conjunction with the legal advisors, worked diligently to ensure this carve out occurred seamlessly, minimising disruption to clients and employees.


Coordinated with all stakeholders during due diligence

A comprehensive due diligence process covering financial, commercial, legal and HR was conducted over Dec 2021/Jan 2022. Nash Advisory, acting on behalf of the business managed a buy side diligence team of ~40 people who submitted more than 500 detailed questions and requests for information.

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ESG and in particular, the focus on reducing the impacts of climate change, have emerged as key factors in determining the future success of almost every industry. Point Advisory lead the way by guiding governments and corporations in their ESG strategies and Nash Advisory are proud to have worked alongside the team to achieve this result.
Tom Butler
Tom Butler

The people involved

Timeline of the sale


Point Advisory appointed Nash Advisory in September 2021 to explore their options in relation to a transaction


Nash Advisory compile a targeted investor list with a mix of private equity firms, family offices and select local and international trade


Following discussions with potential investors, Point Advisory indicate their desire to pursue a full trade sale. Nash Advisory begin a formal sale process


Offers received from multiple parties. ERM selected as the preferred bidder


Due diligence commences


Comprehensive suite of legal documentation drafted and negotiated


Final definitive agreements signed

Services offered

Find the right sales strategy for your business

When it comes to selling your business, Nash Advisory offers a highly detailed and extremely thorough process that produces the best possible results.

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